International Conference in
Information Technology & Education
29-30 June, Manaus, Brazil
Prospective authors are encouraged to submit papers for evaluation by the Scientific Committee until April 10, 2023
Papers written in English accepted and registered will be published in a book of the SIST series (SPRINGER) and submitted for indexation by ISI, EI-Compendex and SCOPUS, among others.
Papers written in Spanish or Portuguese and accepted and registered will be published in indexed Journals (SCOPUS).
The 3rd International Conference in Information Technology & Education, to be held at the Nilton Lins University, in Manaus, Brazil, between the 29th and the 30th of June 2023 is a multidisciplinary conference with a special focus on new information technologies in the Education sector.
Published by Springer in a book of the SIST series. Indexed by SCOPUS, ISI among others
Published in Journals indexed by SCOPUS and/or ISI
Extended versions of the best papers will be invited to be submitted (free of charge) to Special Issues
Maria do Carmo Duarte Freitas
Full Professor at the Federal University of Paraná, postdoc in Education at the University of Malaga
Cristina Helena Pinto de Mello National Dean for Student and Professor Success at ESPM, Brazil; Professor at PUC-SP, ESPM and Pantheon Sorbonne, France