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Cristina Helena Pinto de Mello, PhD in Economics at FGV-SP. Global Management Education Program at Nankai University, China. National Dean for Research and Graduate Studies at ESPM, Former Provost at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. Former President of the Management Council of the Sorocaba Hospital Complex. She was Deputy Coordinator of the Professional Master's in Consumer Behavior and is currently a professor in the Program. Actualy deputy coordinator of the Research Group on New Developmentalism and Social Democracy, a member of the editorial board of The Brazilian Journal of Political Economy, visiting Professor at Pantheon Sorbonne, Paris 1, Academic member of the Committee of Global Business Conferences, Brazilian correspondent at the International Association of University Professors and Speakers (IAUPL), part of the Educamídia Advisory Council. Has experience in the area of Economics, with an emphasis on Growth and Economic Development and Behavioral Economics, acting mainly on the following themes: Education, Brazilian economy, economic situation, economic policy, consumption and economy.





Maria do Carmo Duarte Freitas, Full Professor at the Federal University of Paraná, postdoc in Education at the University of Malaga and Sustainability (UMinho).  Investigates on corporate education and competence training, open education, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), collaborative learning, information and knowledge management, modeling and course evaluation by competence.


Technology, Information and Career Managementgement

The world of work has changed, and with it come new technologies, information, and a myriad of professional opportunities. If, on the one hand, the virtualization of professions (doctor, architect, mechanic, secretary, etc.) took place, on the other hand, barriers were reduced and "gigs" became easily accessible to an unprecedented number of people without qualifications. How do you want to position yourself in this new scenario? Do you feel prepared to accept existing job offers? What informational challenges do you face in entering or staying in the job market? How do you identify smart careers and prepare to become competitive? The link between these two poles is formed by autonomous learning management and open or closed educational technologies as an eventual, but not exclusive, solution.

Were you curious?! Let's talk about these topics at ICITEd 2023 – Manaus

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