International Conference in
Information Technology & Education
29-30 June, Manaus, Brazil
Technology is persistently affecting our society. This influence reflects in the way we communicate, cooperate and work.
These metamorphoses demand new digital and social skills. The capacity for constant learning which provides adaptation to new teaching, learning and working environments in a social network space is crucial.
In this special session will be discussed in-depth topics related to the future of communication, cooperation and work in online education, current and future trends.
This session promotes a space to reflect on different solutions and perspectives in the context of teaching and formal, non-formal and informal learning, including the use of new technologies and environments, such as augmented reality, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, gamification, physical and digital spaces and other learning network environments.
Understanding the importance of education to meet today’s global challenges is crucial and so the purpose of this session is to point directions and better prepare each one of us to face the future.
Augmented reality
Learning paths
Trends in education
Virtual reality
Classroom spaces
Environments of training in a network
Distance learning technologies
Formal, non-formal and informal learning
The use of technologies in assessment
The creation of learning objects
Learning paths
- Verbal and non-verbal communication in different educational settings
- Verbal, non-verbal communication and education
- Methodology in different teaching environments and levels
Submission and Decision
Paper, poster or abstract can be submitted and a workshop can be proposed within the themes of the conference.
Papers can be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese (up to a maximum of 10 pages) and must comply with the Thomson Reuters format. Please look at the submission rules for Proceedings in Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies series (see Instructions for Authors at Springer Website / Word Template).
Papers will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee, submitted in PDF format, and must not include identification, e-mail and affiliation of the authors. This information must only be available in the camera-ready version of accepted papers, saved in Word or Latex format and also in PDF format.
These files must be accompanied by the Consent to Publish filled out, in a ZIP file, and uploaded at the conference management system.
Publication & Indexing
Papers written in English and accepted and registered will be published in Proceedings by Springer in a book of the Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies series that will be submitted for indexation by ISI, EI-Compendex and SCOPUS, among others, and will be available in the SpringerLink Digital Library.
Special Session Organising Committee (Chairs):
Paula Peres, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal
Anabela Mesquita, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal
Adriana Oliveira, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal
Contacts for further information:
Paula Peres, pperes@iscap.ipp.pt;
Anabela Mesquita, mesquita@iscap.ipp.pt,
Adriana Oliveira, aoliveira@iscap.ipp.pt
Special Session Scientific Committee
Anita Dreischer, Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Karlsruhe, anita.dreischer@dhbw-karlsruhe.de
Luiz Felipe Rocha Faria, Polytechnic of Porto, lef@isep.ipp.pt
Amélia Oliveira Carvalho, Polytechnic of Porto, acarvalho@estg.ipp.pt
Ana Maria Liberal, Polytechnic of Porto, aml@esmae.ipp.pt
Vanda Lima, Polytechnic of Porto, vlima@estg.ipp.pt
Joana Alexandra de Sousa e C. T. Fernandes, Polytechnic of Porto, joanaf@iscap.ipp.pt
Susana Sofia Pereira da Silva, Polytechnic of Porto, susanasilva@esht.ipp.pt
Dulce Mota, Polytechnic of Porto, mdm@isep.ipp.pt
Maria Asuncion Arranz, Universidade da Corunha, a.larranz@udc.es
Ana Salgado, anasalgada@gmail.com
Rabia Vezne, Akdeniz University, rabiavezne@hotmail.com
Maria Isabel Novo Corti, EDaSS, University of A Coluna, isabel.novo.corti@udc.es
Teresa Paiva, Polytechnic of Guarda, tpaiva@ipg.pt
Anna Romagnolo, University of Tuscia, romagnuolo@unitus.it
José Maria Picatoste Novo, EDaSS, University of A Coluna, j.pnovo@udc.es
César Scarlat, Business Engineering & Management at University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, cezarscarlat@yahoo.com
Soon Li - Monash University, Malaysia - Soonli_Lee89@outlook.com
Luísa Paula Lopes Fernandes Augusto, Polytechnic of Viseu, laugusto@esev.ipv.pt
Pedro Manuel do Espírito Santo, Polytechnic of Coimbra, pedro.santo@estgoh.ipc.pt
Sara Cristina Valente Santos, Polytechnic of Viseu, ssantos@esev.ipv.pt
Luís Miguel Loureiro, University of Minho, luisloureiro@ics.uminho.pt
Fernanda Castilho Santana, Fatec Barueri - Brasil, fernanda.santana@fatec.sp.gov.br
Sónia Patrícia Basto de Carvalho, Polytechnic of Viana do Castelo, soniacarvalho@esce.ipvc.pt
Vanessa Battestin, vanessa@ifes.edu.br