International Conference in
Information Technology & Education
July 14-16, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Session Chair: Paulino Silva, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal
Nowadays, there are many projects, whether theoretical or applied or of an exclusively practical nature, aimed at improving the lives of organizations and citizens. In this context, researchers, professionals and entities from the most diverse areas, seek to find solutions for the sustainable development of society.
In order to give visibility to these projects of great added value, we created this special session at ICITED, in which they can be presented, whether they are in the initial phase, or even having already been concluded. The main objective of this session is to enable the sharing of projects and their results, as well as to make known what are the best practices in the most diverse areas of society.
To submit your project, simply submit an Extended Abstract, in which the details of the project in question must be presented.
The selection of the best projects will allow its proponents a 20-minute presentation, of which 5 minutes for interaction with the public.
The presentation of the projects can be done in person or virtual.
Contact for further information: paulino@iscap.ipp.pt
To submit or upload a project, please go to the Conference site for submissions