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Professor Carlos Costa is Full Professor (Professor Catedrático), Head of the Department (School) of Economics, Management, Industrial Engineering and Tourism (DEGEIT) of the University of Aveiro, Editor of the Journal of Tourism & Development (Revista de Turismo e Desenvolvimento) and Associate Editor of the Tourism Review, Journal of Destination Marketing Management and Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. He holds a PhD and MSc in Tourism Management (University of Surrey, UK), and a BSc in Urban and Regional Planning (University of Aveiro, Portugal). 

Carlos is the leader of the PhD Tourism Programme of the University of Aveiro and is also the head of the Tourism Research Centre of the University of Aveiro (included in GOVCOPP and evaluated by the Portuguese Government with ‘Excellent’). He is also Scientific Coordinator of the “idtour-unique solutions” - tourism start up company (private sector) based at the University, responsible for the transference of knowledge and innovation to the tourism sector. Carlos is involved in a number of national and international tourism projects. Carlos works as consultant for Portugal’s National Agency of Accreditation (A3Es), National Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and for other international organisations.





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